The booker
We offer you the most up to date online booking engine, Cytric, available on the Belgian market. The functionalities are fantastic, integrated reporting available and there is also a travel security module avaibable.
After an initial visit from your Account manager we ensure you that all the travel profiles are correctly uploaded. We ensure that we create a clear setup from day one. Travel policy is included and we personalise this to your own requests.
The use of our Online Technology booking tool is free. You only pay for the transactions made and we are 100% transparent. So basically you save a lot of money by working this way and still have the support of our agents/company when there are complications or problems with delays, strikes and other issues that do happen from time to time.
We discuss with yourselves risk Management/analysis. Companies need to embrace this aspect because it's up to all of us to ensure that travellers are safe at all times and therefore work proactively to detect riks in a specific area. There are advances programs available to detect this and to keep you well informed.